Waste Water Treatment Plant
Franconia Township, PA
Client: Penn Environmental & Remediation, Inc.

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and control services for the proposed peak 1 MGD (0.15 average MGD) WWTP.
Mechanical design included innovative re-use of air from influent screen rooms to serve the various blowers in the plant, thus eliminating the need for scrubbers, and design of heating & ventilation for the entire plant.
Electrical design included new 15kV electrical service from PP&L, 750kW diesel fired emergency generator, bypass-isolation automatic transfer switch, motor-control center distribution including integral variable frequency drives, lighting, fire alarm systems, security systems, CCTV systems, and site/plant lighting. Controls design included SCADA system design based on ABB’s ControlLogix system including remote access.
Plumbing design included plant effluent 50,000 gallon pumped re-use system for providing non-potable water to the plant and to a local High School, located about 1 mile from the site, for all sports field irrigation requirements.